With AYZE honeycomb separator paper grades are produced from honeycomb panels are used in the delivery of yarn coils in the textile industry. Customer-oriented AYZE engaged in the production of paper product quality, has become the industry leader in the separator with the service quality and deadlines.

1Features and Benefits
  • Yarn package produced for special separators perforated tipping occurs during loading and transport by locking the coil such as to inhibit sliding of the coil eliminates the risk of car.
  • The honeycomb separator is suitable for use in the textile industry, labor supply, saving time and increasing productivity, providing a more robust packaging facility and because of the lower costs have made it advantageous honeycomb separator.
2Usage Areas
  • Transportation of the yarn package in the textile industry.
  • Heavy loads (marble, iron, etc.)
  • Fracture at high risk of material (marble or glass table top)
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